Tu Vi is a unique chinese astrology software, which allows in a few clicks to determine the Chinese birth chart of a person. It is the traditional science of Zi Wei Dou Shu.
We enter his name, first name, sex, date and place of birth and then the theme materializes immediately.
Tu Vi then gives:
- The 4 pillars: which correspond to the signs of the year and the hour (the latter is called the traveling companion) but also for the month and the day.
The 4 pillars are calculated according to the original Chinese sexagesimal calendar. The calculation of the intercalary month responds precisely to traditional indications. It has not undergone Western influences. In addition, Tu Vi automatically corrects the legal time in solar time, thanks to the correction of the geographical offset of the place of birth in relation to the reference meridian and the correction of the historical legal time regime towards solar time.
- The positions of the 111 stars, according to the time and place of birth of the native,
- The decades of the native,
- The position of the sectors according to the time and place of birth,
- The decade corresponding to the date and place of study, and the positions of the strong years in the decade,
- The interpretations carried by each astral indicator according to its position on the chart,
- The positions of the portals according to the date and place of study,
- The positions of the moving stars according to the date and place of study,
- The hexagrams of the moment of birth, the decade, the strong year, and the portals, with the meanings relating to the method of the pivots,
- A great interpretation (for more details see below), a file of several dozen pages.
- The dates of the phases of the lunation of the day and the date of study,
- The seasonal calendar of the study date (position in the lunation, position in the Chinese season, the sign of the year),
- Daily notifications for a pre-selected native (in the configuration window) rendering the sectors revealed by the portals and decade methods.
Export in word format (.docx) of all restitutions.
Zooming and moving the theme (video)
Hovering over a theme with the mouse (video)
Hover responsive elements
Countries and the legal time correction module in solar time
To calculate the solar time (of the date of birth or the time of study) from the legal time and the place of birth or study, a correction module per country is available for purchase on the site. The module for France is integrated into the basic version of Tu Vi. Check the list below to see which countries have the fix. When a module is purchased, you receive codes that allow it to be downloaded automatically via the software configuration window.
List of countries:
- Algeria
- Germany
- Belgium
- Cameroon
- Croatia
- Spain
- France & Dom-Tom (Metropolis, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
- Gabon
- Iraq
- Italy
- Japan
- Libanon
- Madagascar
- Morocco
- The Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Quebec
- United Kingdom
- South Korea
- Swiss
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Yugoslavia
To launch the calculation of the geographical offset of the place of birth or the time of study, click on the buttons indicated below:
The following window opens:
Enter the city in the field provided, then click on the “Calculate offset” button. You will get the longitude, latitude and time offset from the reference meridian.
For cases of homonymy, you can enter a postal address. If in doubt, you can geolocate the city on a map by clicking on the “Geolocate” button. You get the following window (here for Strasbourg):
The sign of the year and the traveling companion
A simple click on the image and the window gives the characteristic detail of the sign.
If you have selected the option in the software configuration window, when Tu Vi is launched, the notification window of the pre-selected Native is displayed.
It is possible to display it at will by clicking on the icon in the main toolbar.
The notifications given are based on today's date. They correspond to the palace highlighted by the method of portals and by the method of decades. The signs of the current year and the next year with their lunations are also displayed.
The seasonal calendar
A seasonal calendar gives the following:
- Summer/Winter time changes of the year of the study date
- The position in the lunation
- The phases of the current lunation
- The position in the current Chinese season
To find the sign of a year
To know the sign of any year, just click on the icon provided for this purpose.
We enter the year and we get everything you need to know about this year in the Chinese sexagesimal calendar.
Settings window
This window allows:
- To activate or not the notification of a native when launching Tu Vi,
- To display the names of the stars in curent langage or in Vietnamese,
- To change the langage,
- To display size of the font stars,
- To select the notification native (Note the theme that is displayed when Tu Vi is launched is the last one displayed when Tu Vi is closed and not the notification native),
- Perform a Backup and Restore of Tu Vi data (list of natives, native notification, countries purchased, etc ...),
- To import, using access codes, the solar time calculation module from the legal time of a country,
- To import data provided by Sma from Zip files specific to Tu Vi.
The mobile stars
La méthode des astres mobiles positionne à chaque nouvelle année chinoise des astres caractéristiques à des positions caractéristiques. Ils sont mis en évidence par une icône (comme indiqué sur la copie d'écran).
The Window of the Stars
This window allows:
- to give the traditional characteristics of each star,
- to find their symbolic meanings,
- to find them on the theme thanks to an indicator icon,
- to select a series of stars according to their group or their type (the combos provided for this purpose).
The Great Interpretation
The Great Interpretation restores a document of several dozen pages.
Add comments
To add comments to a native, nothing more simple, click on the icon indicated above and enter the text.
Yi-King Module
This mod is very powerful.
If you make prints from yarrow stems or pieces, in 6 clicks you immediately get results from the oracle.
Here the pivot method is used to interpret the result more finely.
The Chinese Uranology module :
- determines the dates of the 4 seasons,
- restores the day of crossing the meridian at midnight to the Ming Tang of the four stars of Yao (which serve as an indicator for the seasons),
- graphically displays the transit of the 5 planets in analogical relationship with the 5 elements of the Taoist tradition.
The observation of the 5 planets Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury made it possible to predict physiological trends linked to them. The speed on the stellar background, the direction of progression, the height on the horizon, the brilliance, makes it possible to qualify these trends.
For further explanations we refer you to the works of Jacques-André Lavier:
- “Chinese Uranology”, Editions Maloine,
- “Nei Tching Sou Wen”, Editions Prades.
Below are screenshots of the uranology document generated by Tu Vi.